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ROSS AND ROSS EVENTS LOCKDOWN 2.0Let’s face it. 2020 so far has been intense. It has been challenging, frustrating and isolating (quite literally).

Unfortunately, it feels as soon as we get used to one set of rules, another set is made. The events industry is in turmoil, a solid foundation to a vast percentage of the UK’s economy (£14.7bn annually) is suddenly without answers or support. An industry that’s sole purpose is to bring so much joy, is currently under so much hardship.

So what now?

As of most of 2020, the layout of the future is going to be a bit of a waiting game. We know that in the tiered system before lockdown- weddings for up to 15 guests was not only do-able, but a way of celebrating in a wonderfully intimate and special way.

Luckily, staff working such events weren’t counted in the total guest numbers. Meaning we at Ross and Ross could help you and your nearest and dearest celebrate in style with exceptional service as always. Some restrictions on service still applied, you must have a sit-down meal with table service only. Meaning wine must be poured by staff and bottles must not be shared, and seating must be spaced as much as possible. Cue cosy, intimate, silver service!

Obviously now with Lockdown 2.0 actioned, no weddings are permissible unless under exceptional circumstances, until everything is reviewed closer to December the 2nd. However, hope is not lost, nor will it ever be.

Within the events and entertainment industry there has been a huge rally of support. You may have seen the local campaigns of “light it in red” for events, asking for clarification on support for and regulations placed on the industry or perhaps you have seen the calls for action on social media with the tag #whataboutweddings.

A campaign has recently been brought to parliament to urge a reconsideration of the 15-person cap when weddings are allowed once more. The primary thought process behind this being that many venues have a socially distanced capacity of a much larger number, and person restrictions should be based on square footage of venues and their ability to implement and maintain social distancing and Covid safe practices.

Along with the many campaigns , the news coverage and the interviews now taking place the future of our industry not only relies on our own ability to reinvent our offering to our couples but also our clients on going support. In true Ross and Ross fashion we are still finding ways to bring you brilliant food, have a little look at our new online shop!

However, what really will keep us going, and keep that hope alive is some help from our family, friends, followers and even strangers! Every time you share a link, like a post, recommend us to a friend or leave a google/Facebook review, you help small independent companies like ours to be seen by more people. More visibility. Its as simple as that. With those few small actions, you can help us see the next events season. Big or small, we don’t mind, we just want to get back to doing what we love.

We are here to talk, whether you are a friend, client, or supplier it doesn’t matter. We are all in this together and together we will make it through.

Help, guidance, and latest news coverage on the events industry: #whataboutweddings